June 24, 2010

Quirky Quirks

Everyone's Gottem'
My coworker telling me that I need a shrink because of all my "rules" made me think. Yes, I may have some pre-determined rules, but can't I just call them quirks?

1. I don't like being outside. Heat is something that I really don't enjoy. Sweating is not something I enjoy. Plus, I'm happy pale.
2. I don't like people looking at me. It makes me self-conscious.
3. People looking at the music on my iPod makes me uncomfortable.
4. I'm addicted to pop. I've tried to stop, but it's not working.
5. When I say "I don't care." I really don't have an opinion. If I have a preference, I'll tell you.
6. I tend to be more open with strangers, as opposed to someone close to me.
7. I don't leave the house in sweatpants, or any variation of sweats.
8. I've been described as harsh, but I am only sarcastic to people I like.
9. I only like the city because I like being around people, but not necessarily having to converse with.
10. I'm comfortable with silence. Sitting with someone in complete silence does not bother me.


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