March 5, 2013

Have We Met?

After four years of pursuing academia, my studies are concluding, which means I need to find a career that pays a salary, as opposed to what this endeavor brings in, which is a few invites to cool parties or gifts here and there (those are definitely appreciated though). In retaliation to my swift kick in the you-know-what to reality, upon wearing that stupid looking cap and gown, I put together another something to add to my digital presence (you really can't have enough presence online), and it hopefully markets myself to future and possibly employers - take note, marketing is what I studied for a solid part of my part of my education, thus getting me that business degree.

Be sure to visit the site, and definitely keep it mind if you are to ever come across positions that scream my name - which is, hardworking fancy pants who enjoys corporate communications in the realm of marketing, public relations, editorial, and/or event planning. Impressed? Lets hope the recipients of the the stack of resumes and accompanying cover letters I just sent out are as impressed as you.


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