June 16, 2010

A Little Bit About Me

I believe in astrology. I wouldn't say that I hold 100% confidence in what mine says everyday, but I do find it to be shockingly accurate from time to time. The passage below is from tarot.com, one of the many websites that one can find read their astrological signs.

The Virgin is highly discriminating, but not necessarily as prudish at some might believe. In ancient times, a Virgin was a woman who was not the property of man, and therefore had the legal right to just say "no." Now, in modern times, Virgos are known for their ability to be highly discriminating -- especially when it comes to matters of personal desire. When they are ready, however, to say yes, the laser-like focus of their passion is anything but prudish. Virgos have the uncanny sense to see what's wrong with a person, a situation or their environment. It's why they make such natural critics. Their practical analytical abilities are second to none. Their mental process may not be the most creative, but their razor-like thinking is highly effective. Like the maiden pictured in your glyph, they separate the useful wheat from the unneeded chafe, the good from the bad. They might be a "clean freak," but most Virgos have a messy closet somewhere or a disaster under their bed. Their motto could be "Perfect is almost good enough." On one hand, this trait makes them very employable, for they're not likely to do shabby work. On the other hand, they can be so finicky that they put limitations on their interactions and experiences before they happen. They'll be happier if they can learn to be selectively less critical, both of others and themselves.

The few items that struck me as interesting was the idea of me being very critical. I would definitely agree with that, however, I rarely share my opinion, or my critique. I find myself to bite my tongue many times, either for not wanting to hurt someones feelings, or because I don't want to be wrong. It seems to me that if someone thinks your opinion is wrong, it stings much more than your factual answer being called wrong. This idea is parallel in the realm of my analytical abilities. I do analyze quite a bit, but I never tend to share my findings, only because I'm self-conscious of my ideas. Maybe this blog will alter that?

I especially like to analyze people; I find myself sitting on the train, starring at the person across from me thinking about what they might be like. I take into account their appearance, the things they're carrying, or possibly even their phone conversation. I realize that, yes, that may be an invasion of privacy, but they are the ones talking in front of people. And it's not like I am going back to my apartment and telling all my friends about what I heard. Really, once I hear it and then maybe put some kind of assumption with it, I forget about it. What good is it for me? I've always accredited my vivid imagination as just that, a big imagination. But what if it's meant to be more? Can I use my quality of reading people for me? I do occasionally get the feeling that one of my friends is in a bad mood, and then I back away. Give them their space, and return when I sense a better mood. I hypothesize that it takes a certain mood to be around me, I definitely have a personality that doesn't suit everybody.

Anyways, what I take from tarrot.com's guess of what I am really like, based on my birthday, is that I am very critical of other people, but I use that power of critique as a virtue, regarding the fact that I am able to read people and sense what they are like. I take pride in my ability to read someone. I'm not saying that I am right all the time, or half the time for that sake, but I do definitely take into account someones mood and basic demeanor when I begin conversing with them.

Oh yeah, and the thing about the "neat freak," I totally am. But I do not have a messy closet.


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