
Standard Luxe is a forum for all things that have an unmatched quality and a pure sense of distinction. The items or people featured here may not be traditionally luxurious, but they are truly unique and cannot be described in any other way. Standard Luxe has a great appreciation for true craftsmanship and anything that is unrivaled in value or character. Items that are attention-worthy have a home here, and it is not exclusive to brand names or exuberant price tags. Standard Luxe believes that anything can be luxe if it has respect and an attention to detail, because that is what true luxury is.

Standard Luxe is a constant work in progress, so please be patient if you experience any technical difficulties or just plain funny-business on the site. We most likely know our mistakes or problems and are working very hard to fix them.

All featured images on Standard Luxe are not owned by Standard Luxe or its publisher, Timothy Schroeder. Standard Luxe does not claim any responsibility and/or ownership for the featured images. Please inquire for more details about each image. 


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