March 25, 2011

Changes for Standard Luxe

A few changes happened to Standard Luxe in the past week. First being my favorite, our new address (or URL) is now! We dropped the ending because it streamlines our look and makes it easier to remember.... so tell your friends! But no worries, this doesn't effect you at all. If you have Standard Luxe in your favorites, or keep the link somewhere else, you can still use that link and be automatically directed to the blog as before.

Also, you may have noticed a new addition to the left-side of the page, a Independent Fashion Bloggers banner. On Tuesday, Standard Luxe was accepted as an independent fashion blogger! The online association has been more than welcoming and I appreciate all of the support from the members. I am sure exciting opportunities will come from being part of the association, and maybe even a collaboration or two!

I love change, and I hope to see more of it in the future!


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