August 4, 2011

Family Values in Paris

A ranch in Aspen, a house in The Hamptons, a place in New York City, and now a pied-à-terre in Paris, this American family is the epitome of jet set, but also of style. Their recently renovated apartment in Paris' Left Bank is twenty-first century French luxury. Designed by Jean-Louis Deniot, the apartment is perfect for entertaining but can also be home to a family with kids. The space itself went under a huge renovation, making its current design and layout a complete change from its original eighteenth century building, that was once a mansion, and now broken up into smaller apartments. The constant stream of sunshine into the big windows reeked havoc on an overall color scheme for the apartment, because it constantly made an color look dull in comparison to the sunshine; the only way to stand up against the sun light is to match it, the soft yellow hues used throughout the apartment compliments the gorgeous natural light. Owning a place in Paris would be magnificent, but owning this luxe apartment in the City of Lights would be even more magnificent. 

All photos courtesy of Elle Decor


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