January 6, 2011

Setting the Design

Posting houses from movies is not unlike me, but posting pictures of houses that aren’t actually houses but only Hollywood sets is a bit different. However, Beth Rubino creates the most stunning sets for movies. It’s Complicated, and Something’s Gotta Give, are two of my favorite movies for their sets (both directed by Nancy Meyers). Ms. Rubino designed the sets for all of them, and gave each of the movies a sense of quality and conformability, and definitely leaves the audience wanting more. I was a little disappointed to find out that all of Ms. Rubino's work were actually fabricated sets in a Hollywood soundstages, rather than have been shot on location. I especially love Diane Keaton’s house in Sagaponeck, New York in Something's Gotta Give. The classic Hamptons cedar shaker mansion is one of the most gorgeous houses I have ever seen, and I know for a fact, one of the most talked about sets ever; the exterior shots are of an actual house, but all of the interior features are done in Tinseltown. The Holiday is another Nancy Meyers movie that has beautiful sets, but were not designed by Ms. Rubino, but was rather a collective effort between Cindy Carr, Al Hobbs, Anna Pinnock, David Smith. 

 Images courtesy of Architectural Digest


Images courtesy of DesignEditor.com


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